Chair of Computer Science II - Software Engineering



November 2nd - November 4th, 2015

CASCON 2015 Conference Theme: Redefining the New Enterprise
Transformational technologies in cloud, mobile, cognitive computing, internet of things, social computing, analytics and big data and others have become vortexes that change the enterprise landscape. For enterprises to stay relevant and competitive, facing the challenge of understanding and leveraging these new technologies is a must. Enterprises who can leverage new technologies to lead with new enterprise paradigms will set themselves apart from their competitors. They can deliver distinguishing appeals as they engage their customers. They can take the business to a newer level of success that others can't. Commerce, healthcare, finance, smarter cities are examples of industrial domains going through such technological evolution. This conference provides a forum to ideate, discuss, evaluate the depth of each transformational technology, as well as their confluence impact in redefining new enterprises.

CASCON was established in 1990. CASCON is a premiere industrial academic conference in computer science and software engineering, with about a thousand three hundred attendees. It continues to be an innovative forum for researchers, innovators, technologies and developers from academia, industry, and government to share knowledge, form collaborations, present original work and experience first-hand the latest technology trends.

Conference Content and format include:

  • Keynote presentations
  • Technical paper track
  • Emerging technology track for position papers
  • Workshops in different technology areas (such as Technology Areas)
  • Best Paper and Best Student Paper Awards
  • Frontiers of Software Practice plenaries
  • Technology showcase of research outcome

CASCON proceedings are available in the ACM Digital Library and DBLP indexed.
