Chair of Computer Science II - Software Engineering

Dagstuhl Seminar 15041 - Report now published


The Dagstuhl Seminar 15041 on "Model-driven Algorithms and Architectures for Self-Aware Computing Systems", co-organized by Prof. Samuel Kounev from Jan 18-23, brought together 45 international experts from the areas of software engineering, systems modeling & analysis, autonomic computing, and data center resource management. The presentations are available for download from the seminar website. The report on the seminar is now published.

The seminar, co-organized by Samuel Kounev together with Jeffrey O. Kephart (IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center), Marta Kwiatkowska (University of Oxford) and Xiaoyun Zhu (VMware), took place from January 18 to 23, 2015.

Self-aware computing systems are systems designed to proactively gather information at run-time and learn reflective models capturing knowledge about themselves (such as their structure, design, possible actions, and run-time behavior) and their environment that allows them to reason about their behavior and self-adapt in accordance with changing higher-level goals.

The design of such systems naturally calls for an integrated interdisciplinary approach with input from multiple areas of computer science and engineering, including software and systems engineering, systems modeling, simulation and analysis, machine learning and autonomic computing, data center resource management, and so on. Inspired by a common vision requiring expertise from, and being relevant to, all of the mentioned research fields, the seminar brought together researchers from the respective communities to enable the exchange of ideas and experiences as well as to encourage active collaborations and cross-fertilization between related research efforts.

The report on the seminar has been published in May 2015 and contains further information and details on the seminar itself and on individual presentations, as well as discusses outcomes of the seminar. The jointly refined definition of Self-Aware Computing Systems is contained in the report.

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