Chair of Computer Science II - Software Engineering

New paper on stochastic modeling of publish/subscribe systems


"Stochastic Performance Analysis and Capacity Planning of Publish/Subscribe Systems" by Arnd Schröter, Gero Mühl, Samuel Kounev, Helge Parzyjegla and Jan Richling will be presented at DEBS 2010.

The paper "Stochastic Performance Analysis and Capacity Planning of Publish/Subscribe Systems" by Arnd Schröter, Gero Mühl, Samuel Kounev, Helge Parzyjegla and Jan Richling has been accepted for publication at the 4th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS 2010) to be held in Cambridge, United Kingdom from July 12-15, 2010 [ bib ]. The paper is a result of a collaboration of the Technical University of Berlin and the University of Rostock with the Descartes Research Group.

The paper presents a set of generalized and comprehensive analytical models of publish/subscribe systems employing different peer-to-peer and hierarchical routing schemes. The proposed analytical models address the major limitations underlying existing work in the area and are the first to consider all major performance-relevant system metrics including the expected broker and link utilization, the expected notification delay, the expected time required for new subscriptions to become fully active, as well as the expected routing table sizes and message rates. The models can be used by system developers to identify and eliminate performance bottlenecks before a system is deployed as well as for sizing and capacity planning.

Von Nikolaus Huber
