Deutsch Intern
Chair of Computer Science II - Software Engineering

ASQF Award for Yannik Lubas


Our member Yannik Lubas has been awarded the ASQF Förderpreis 2024.

©ASQF e.V.

As part of the Graduiertenfeier 2024, Yannik Lubas , now research assistant in the Software Engineering Group headed by Prof. Samuel Kounev, has been awarded the ASQF Förderpreis, endowed with 500 euros for his outstanding Master thesis "Generating Microservice Applications for Performance Benchmarking". This year, the award is supported by PASS Consulting Group. The ASQF Förderpreis has been awarded to students from different German universities since 2006. It honors excellent computer science students, who work in the area of software quality with a practical orientation. Yannik Lubas is already the third team member receiving this price, following the awards of Martin Sträßer in 2021 and Simon Eismann in 2018.

Congratulations to Yannik for his excellent work!
