Lukas Petzi, the student assistant of the Secure Software Systems group, is presenting the results of his Bachelor thesis at the prestigious USENIX Security Symposium.
Lukas Petzi, the student assistant of the Secure Software Systems group, is presenting the results of his Bachelor thesis at the prestigious USENIX Security Symposium.
On the upcoming Monday, the 8th of August 2022, Prof. Dr. Dmitrienko will hold a talk at MIT (https://www.mit.edu/) about Bandwidth Inflation attacks in the Tor anonymity network.
moreThe 15th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks ACM WiSec 2022 will be held May 16 to 19, 2022 in San-Antonio, Texas, USA. If the COVID-19 pandemic does not allow for an in-person event, the conference will be scheduled to take place online.
moreInvitation to the SE Virtual Winter Day on 07 December 2021 at 16:30.
moreThis Monday, the 18th of October 2021, Prof. Dr. Dmitrienko will hold a talk about practical and theoretical IT security aspects regarding contact tracing in the COVID-19 pandemic at the IT Mainfranken Forum.
moreDo we really need to rely on sharing every phone number on our phone in order for mobile messengers to be usable?
What about the privacy risks? Listen to CryptographyFM's latest podcast in which Prof. Dr. Dmitrienko goes more in-depth into this problem.
moreProf. Dr. Dmitrienko will hold a talk at Surrey's University seminar on "Vulnerability Detection in Ethereum Smart Contracts using Deep Neural Networks and Transfer Learning" tomorrow, Thursday the 25th of March 2021. No registration is needed to enter the Zoom call. Read for the rest of the article for more information.
moreThe Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS) 2021 and co-located workshops start virtually this very weekend, at 21st of February, and go until February, 25th. Prof. Dr. Dmitrienko is part of this year’s CoronaDef’s panelists.
more“Intel, in collaboration with Avast and Borsetta, launched the Private AI Collaborative Research Institute to advance and develop technologies in privacy and trust for decentralized artificial intelligence (AI). The companies issued a call for research proposals earlier this year and selected the first nine research projects to be supported by the institute at eight universities worldwide.”
“CPDP is a conference about privacy and data protection. It offers a forum where different voices are heard and where positions are compared, debated, approached or differentiated.”
At 10.30 AM CET on the 29th of January 2021 Prof. Dr. Dmitrienko will hold a talk on the topic of “Privacy of Contact Tracing Apps in Pandemic, the role of Giant data collectors, and EU Sovereignty”.
moreDear students,
we, the Secure Software Systems Group, would like to invite you to join our Ethical Hacking Lab II this year.
moreCategory: | 10030200-Lehrstuhl für Informatik II, Secure Software Systems Group |
How secure is the German government's Corona Warning app, which has been available for download since this Tuesday? Prof. Dr. Dmitrienko has discovered some security gaps.
moreThe Bavarian TV news program “17:30 SAT.1 Bayern” featured the Secure Software Systems research group and the TraceCORONA project.
moreDie App TraceCORONA, an der auch die Uni Würzburg beteiligt ist, ermöglicht eine effiziente und umfassende Pandemie-Rückverfolgung ohne Preisgabe persönlicher Daten. Nun geht sie in die Testphase.