Chair of Computer Science II - Software Engineering

SPECtacular Award 2022 for Simon Eismann


Our member Simon Eismann has received a SPECtacular Award 2022 from the Standard Performance Evaluation Coorporation (SPEC) for outstanding research.

During SPEC's 2022 Annual and Joint Meeting, Simon Eismann was awarded with a SPECtacular Award 2022 by SPEC's President David Reiner in recognition of his research contributions in the context of the SPEC research groups:

“For several years, this individual has made significant contributions to the SPEC Research Group Cloud Working Group and to the RG DevOps Performance working group. He led the study of performance of microservices and stability for serverless applications. He also led the effort to create a SPEC RG Technical Report reviewing Serverless use cases which led to the publication of related peer-reviewed papers. Simon Eismann has been an active participant in the organization of events that benefit the SPEC research community, served as an evaluator of artifacts, and contributed the TeaStore microservice reference application to the SPEC Research Tool Repository. SPEC has significantly benefitted from Simon's continuous and dedicated work which has resulted in tangible results that advance the SPEC Research Group. Congratulations, Simon!”
