Secure Software Systems Group

Meldung - Detailansicht

Ethical Hacking Lab II WS2020


Dear students, we, the Secure Software Systems Group, would like to invite you to join our Ethical Hacking Lab II this year.

The Ethical Hacking Lab II is a practical course about network security, popular attacks and defenses, as well as hands-on experience exploiting and defending against vulnerabilities. The lab is interleaved with Cisco Netacad, so it is possible to get a Cisco Certified Network Associate Security Course certificate through a separate exam.

The practicum is divided into two parts. First, the theoretical part is provided all semester long and offers an overview of network security and its technical basics. This segment needs to be completed online before the practical part starts and is examined with a grade. The second part is a compact course in the semester break in February and March. This segment focuses on hands-on offensive security and dives into security of networks, services and C&C structures.

The practical part of the course is currently limited to 12 participants due to the number of working places in the lab. If we will receive more than 12 registrations, everyone will be able to participate in the theoretical part, but only 12 will be admitted to the practical course (based on first come first serve basis). Remaining students will be put on the waiting list and still will have the chance to be admitted to the practical course this year in case any of the 12 first registered students didn't pass the theoretical course. Otherwise, they will be given the preference for next year's registration.

There is a good chance that the lab will be entirely moved to the virtual space due to restrictions on in-person meetings. 
In this case, all the students will be able to participate in the practical part including students from the waiting list. 

Master students are welcome to participate in this course for their master practicum (10-I=PRAK or 10-I-PSE2).

The practical assignments can be completed on the computers available in the Cisco lab.

The Wuecampus course can be accessed with the following link. The course key will be provided once you register per email at, please put "Ethical Hacking Lab II registration" into the subject. The registration is open starting from now on up to November, 16th. The kickoff meeting will take place on 17th of November at 13:00. The link to the meeting will be shared in the WueCampus course.

Best regards,
Secure Software Systems Group
