Deutsch Intern
Chair of Computer Science II - Software Engineering

Aleksandar Milenkoski receives SPECtacular Award


A SPECtacular Award was presented to Aleksandar Milenkoski by the President of SPEC at the SPEC Annual Meeting 2016 in Freemont, California, USA.

SPEC Research

Aleksandar Milenkoski was awarded with a SPECtacular Award for “Outstanding Research” recognizing exceptional research contributions in the area of evaluation of intrusion detection systems. He is currently serving as Secretary and Release Manager of the RG IDS Working Group and Secretary of the RG Cloud Working Group. The award was presented by SPEC's President Walter Bays (Oracle Corporation) on January 16, 2016.

About SPEC

The Standard Performance Evaluation Coorporation (SPEC) is the largest computer systems benchmarking and performance standardization organization (


The Research Group (RG) of SPEC serves as a platform for collaborative research efforts in the area of quantitative system evaluation and analysis, fostering the interaction between industry and academia in the field (
