Deutsch Intern
Secure Software Systems Group

Christoph Sendner

Chair of Software Engineering (Informatik II)
Department of Computer Science
University of Würzburg

Am Hubland, 97074 Würzburg

Informatikgebäude, 2.OG, Room B 203

Phone: +49 (931) 31 86863


WS 2021/22

  • Ethical Hacking Lab Network
  • Seminar IT-Security

SS 2021

  • Ethical Hacking Lab Software
  • Seminar IT-Security

WS 2020/21

  • Ethical Hacking Lab Network

SS 2020

  • Ethical Hacking Lab Software
  • Seminar IT-Security

WS 2019/20

  • Exercises - Introduction to IT-Security
  • Seminar IT-Security

SS 2019

  • Exercises - Security of Software Systems
  • Seminar IT-Security
  • Ethical Hacking Lab Software

WS 2018/19

  • Exercises - Introduction to IT-Security

SS 2018

  • Exercises - Security of Software Systems

Research interests

  • Microarchitectural Attacks
  • Attacks on TEEs and others
  • Applied cryptography
  • Security in Software Systems


2024[ to top ]
  • Large-Scale Study of Vulnerability Scanners for Ethereum Smart Contracts. Sendner, Christoph; Petzi, Lukas; Stang, Jasper; Dmitrienko, Alexandra; in To appear in the IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy (2024).
  • MirageFlow: A New Bandwidth Inflation Attack on Tor. Sendner, Christoph; Stang, Jasper; Dmitrienko, Alexandra; Wijewickrama, Raveen; Jadliwala, Murtuza; in the Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS) (2024).
2023[ to top ]
  • Vulnerability Scanners for Ethereum Smart Contracts: A Large-Scale Study. Sendner, Christoph; Petzi, Lukas; Stang, Jasper; Dmitrienko, Alexandra; in arXiv:2312.16533 (2023).
  • TorMult: Introducing a Novel Tor Bandwidth Inflation Attack. Sendner, Christoph; Stang, Jasper; Dmitrienko, Alexandra; Wijewickrama, Raveen; Jadliwala, Murtuza; in ArXiv | arXiv.2307.08550 (2023).
  • Smarter Contracts: Detecting Vulnerabilities in Smart Contracts with Deep Transfer Learning. Sendner, Christoph; Chen, Huili; Fereidooni, Hossein; Petzi, Lukas; König, Jan; Stang, Jasper; Dmitrienko, Alexandra; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza; Koushanfar, Farinaz; in To appear at the Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS) (2023).
  • Metadata-based Malware Detection on Android using Machine Learning. Hefter, Alexander; Sendner, Christoph; Dmitrienko, Alexandra; in ArXiv | arXiv.2307.08547 (2023).
  • G-Scan: Graph Neural Networks for Line-Level Vulnerability Identification in Smart Contracts. Sendner, Christoph; Zhang, Ruisi; Hefter, Alexander; Dmitrienko, Alexandra; Koushanfar, Farinaz; in arXiv:2307.08549 (2023).
2022[ to top ]
  • Ransomware Detection in Databases through Dynamic Analysis of Query Sequences. Sendner, Christoph; Iffländer, Lukas; Schindler, Sebastian; Jobst, Michael; Dmitrienko, Alexandra; Kounev, Samuel; in IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS) (2022).
  • Contact Discovery in Mobile Messengers: Low-cost Attacks, Quantitative Analyses, and Efficient Mitigations. Hagen, Christoph; Weinert, Christian; Sendner, Christoph; Dmitrienko, Alexandra; Schneider, Thomas; in Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2022/875 (2022). (2022/875)
  • Contact Discovery in Mobile Messengers: Low-cost Attacks, Quantitative Analyses, and Efficient Mitigations. Hagen, Christoph; Weinert, Christian; Sendner, Christoph; Dmitrienko, Alexandra; Schneider, Thomas; in ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security (TOPS) (2022).
2021[ to top ]
  • ESCORT: Ethereum Smart COntRacTs Vulnerability Detection using Deep Neural Network and Transfer Learning. Lutz, Oliver; Chen, Huili; Fereidooni, Hossein; Sendner, Christoph; Dmitrienko, Alexandra; Sadeghi, Ahmad Reza; Koushanfar, Farinaz; in ArXiv | arXiv:2103.12607v1 (2021).
  • All the Numbers are US: Large-scale Abuse of Contact Discovery in Mobile Messengers. Hagen, Christoph; Weinert, Christian; Sendner, Christoph; Dmitrienko, Alexandra; Schneider, Thomas; in Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS) (2021).
  • Sound Smart Contract Security Testing with Just One Tool. Dmitrienko, Alexandra; Chen, Huili; Fereidooni, Hossein; Sendner, Christoph; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza; Koushanfar, Farinaz; in CyberSec&AI 2021 (2021).
2020[ to top ]
  • All the Numbers are US: Large-scale Abuse of Contact Discovery in Mobile Messengers. Hagen, Christoph; Weinert, Christian; Sendner, Christoph; Dmitrienko, Alexandra; Schneider, Thomas; in Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2020/1119 (2020).
  • Evaluating the Privacy of Contact Discovery. Sendner, Christoph; Thesis; University of Würzburg. (2020, July).