Deutsch Intern
Chair of Computer Science II - Software Engineering


  • A Data-Driven Model for Range Sensors. Spiess, Florian; Strobel, Norbert; Kaupp, Tobias; Kounev, Samuel; in International Journal of Semantic Computing (2024). 1–18.
  • BLOCSIE - Benchmark for LOCalization in a Simulated Industrial Environment. Spiess, Florian; Bluemm, Daniel; Strobel, Norbert; Kaupp, Tobias; Kounev, Samuel; in 2023 21st International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR) (2023). 577–584.
  • A data-driven Sensor Model for LIDAR Range Measurements used for Mobile Robot Navigation. Spiess, Florian; Strobel, Norbert; Kaupp, Tobias; Kounev, Samuel; in Proceedings of the IEEE IRC 2022 Conference (2022).
  • Towards a Mobile Robot Localization Benchmark with Challenging Sensordata in an Industrial Environment. Spiess, Florian; Friesslich, Jonas; Bluemm, Daniel; Mast, Fabio; Vinokour, Dmitrij; Kounev, Samuel; Kaupp, Tobias; Strobel, Norbert; in 2021 20th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR) (2021). 857–864.
  • People Detection with Depth Silhouettes and Convolutional Neural Networks on a Mobile Robot. Spiess, Florian; Reinhart, Lucas; Strobel, Norbert; Kaiser, Dennis; Kounev, Samuel; Kaupp, Tobias; in Journal of Image and Graphics, (J. of Image; Graphics, Hrsg.) (2021). 9(4) 135–139.
  • Survey and Experimental Comparison of RGB-D Indoor Robot Navigation Methods Supported by ROS and Their Expansion via Fusion with Wheel Odometry and IMU Data. Spiess, Florian; Friesslich, Jonas; Tobias, Kaupp; Kounev, Samuel; Strobel, Norbert; in International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research (IJMERR), (P. R. (Chunhui) Yang, Hrsg.) (2020). 9(12) 1532–1540.
  • {Towards Self-Aware Multi...
    {Towards Self-Aware Multirotor Formations}. Kaiser, Dennis; Lesch, Veronika; Rothe, Julian; Strohmeier, Michael; Spiess, Florian; Krupitzer, Christian; Montenegro, Sergio; Kounev, Samuel; in Computers (2020). 9(7)
    Special Issue on Self-Aware Computing