Thomas Prantl

Thomas Prantl, M.Sc.
Chair of Software Engineering (Informatik II)
Department of Computer Science University of Würzburg
Am Hubland, 97074 Würzburg
Informatikgebäude, 1.OG, Room A118
Research Interests
- Security
- Blockchain
- IoT
- Security and Blockchain Benchmarking
Selected Publications:
Challenges in the evaluation of earth observation products: Accuracy assessment case study using convolutional neural networks. in Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment (2024).
Security Analysis of a Decentralized, Revocable and Verifiable Attribute-Based Encryption Scheme. in Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (2024). 1–11.
Thinking in Categories: A Survey on Assessing the Quality for Time Series Synthesis. in J. Data and Information Quality (2024). 16(2)
Benchmarking of Secure Group Communication schemes with Focus on IoT. in Discover Data (2024). 2(1)
De Bello Homomorphico: Investigation of the extensibility of the OpenFHE library with basic mathematical functions by means of common approaches using the example of the CKKS cryptosystem. in International Journal of Information Security (2023).
List of all publications: Thomas Prantl
- Provisioning of topics for "Seminar Software Engineering" and supervision of participating students
- Supervisions of software project in the "Softwarepraktikum" (practical course teaching students to complete software projects in a team)
- Coordination of the exercises on the bachelor's lecture "Softwaretechnik" by Prof. Samuel Kounev, University of Würzburg
Conference and Workshop Organisation
Selected Reviewer Activities
- Mascots 2020
- Mascots 2019
- Subreviewer ICPE 2019
- Master Informatik (Master of Computer Science)
- 1. Staatsexamen für das Lehramt am Gymnasium (Physik/Informatik)
- Bachelor Informatik (Bachelor of Computer Science)
- Bachelor Naturwissenschaftliche Grundlagen (Bachelor of Natural Science Foundations)