Deutsch Intern
Chair of Computer Science II - Software Engineering



Tenth International Workshop on Practical Applications of Stochastic Modelling, PASM'19, 27th November 2019, Milan, Italy, collocated with EPEW 2019.

We encourage papers which apply current well-developed formalisms (stochastic Petri nets, stochastic process algebras, layered queueing networks, etc) to real-world case-studies. These studies might be of traditional web-service, Grid or computer architectures but also we strongly encourage studies from inter-disciplinary collaborations, such as biological and physical systems.

The common link is to see how researchers from diverse fields have overcome the problem of modelling large concurrent and stochastic communicating systems to obtain the particular style of stochastic metric that is important to their field.

Successful contributions may have demonstrated some novel theoretic advance to model their system or will have been diligent in constructing a detailed and realistic stochastic or probabilistic model and carried the modelling through to the analysis phase. Extra credit will be given for models which are backed up by experiment or simulation.

The aim is to end up with a collection of papers which could be used as outstanding examples of modelling practice in the field of stochastic modelling and exhibit all phases of the modelling lifecycle.
