Timo Dittus

Timo Dittus, M.Sc.
Chair of Software Engineering (Informatik II)
Department of Computer Science, University of Würzburg
Am Hubland, 97074 Würzburg
Informatikgebäude, 1.OG, Room A119
Email: timo.dittus@uni-wuerzburg.de
Phone: +49 (931) 31 84691
Research Interests
- Performance Benchmarking
- Performance Modeling, Simulation and Prediction of Modern Software Systems
- Microservices, Containers and Container Orchestration
- Machine Learning
- Coordination of the practical course "Softwarepraktikum"
- Supervision of student groups and their software projects within the "Softwarepraktikum" course
- Lecturer in "Advanced Programming" (design patterns lectures)
- Supervision of Bachelor's and Master's theses
(Sub-)Reviewer Activities in
- Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory
- International Conference of Performance Engineering (ICPE)
Curriculum Vitae / Resume
since August 2023 | Research assistant at the Chair of Software-Engineering (Informatik II) headed by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Samuel Kounev, University of Wuerzburg |
April 2022 - August 2023 | Student assistant at the Chair of Software-Engineering (Informatik II) headed by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Samuel Kounev, University of Wuerzburg |
Last Update: October 2023