Deutsch Intern
Chair of Computer Science II - Software Engineering

Keynote Presentation at FLORENCE 2014


Our latest research on quantitative evaluation of service dependability in shared execution environments was presented at FLORENCE 2014 - a joint scientific event of QEST 2014, SAFECOMP 2014, FORMATS 2014, EPEW 2014 and FMICS 2014. The presentation slides are available for download.

Florence, Italy

The keynote was presented by Samuel Kounev on September 10th as part of the programme of FLORENCE 2014 - a joint scientific event of QEST'14 - International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems, SAFECOMP'14 - International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security, FORMATS'14 - International Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems, EPEW'14 - European Workshop on Performance Engineering and FMICS'14 - International Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical System.

The conference was held in Florence, Italy, at the Auditorium al Duomo, September 8-12, 2014. 

Download Presentation Slides: .pdf

Title: Quantitative Evaluation of Service Dependability in Shared Execution Environments

Abstract: The inability to provide dependability guarantees is a major challenge for the widespread adoption of shared execution environments, based on paradigms such as virtualization and cloud computing. The provided level of dependability (availability and reliability) is a major distinguishing factor between different service offerings. To make such offerings comparable, novel metrics and techniques are needed allowing to measure and quantify the dependability of shared execution environments, e.g., public cloud platforms or general virtualized service infrastructures. In this talk, we first discuss the inherent challenges of providing service dependability in shared execution environments in the presence of highly variable workloads, load spikes, and security attacks. We then present novel metrics and techniques for measuring and quantifying service dependability, specifically taking into account the dynamics of modern service infrastructures. We consider both environments where virtualization is used as a basis for enabling resource sharing, e.g., as in Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) offerings, as well as multi-tenant Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applications, where the whole hardware and software stack is shared among different customers. We focus on evaluating three dependability aspects: i) the ability of the system to provision resources in an elastic manner, i.e., system elasticity, ii) the ability of the system to isolate different applications and customers sharing the physical infrastructure in terms of the performance they observe, i.e., performance isolation, and iii) the ability of the system to deal with attacks exploiting novel attack surfaces such as hypervisors, i.e., intrusion detection and prevention. We discuss the challenges in measuring and quantifying the mentioned three dependability properties, presenting existing approaches to tackle them. Finally, we discuss open issues and emerging directions for future work in the area of dependability benchmarking.
