Würzburg Software Engineering Awards 2023 sponsored by the GeSi Software GmbH and the PASS Consulting Group
12/06/2023The best Bachelor and Master Thesis students of 2023 at the Chair of Computer Science II (Software Engeering) have been honored with the Würzburg Software Engeering Awards sponsored by the GeSi Software GmbH and the PASS Consulting Group.
The Best Bachelor and Best Master Theses students of 2023 at the Chair of Computer Science II (Software Engeering) have been honored with the Würzburg Software Engeering Awards sponsored by the GeSi Software GmbH and the PASS Consulting Group.
Starting from 2017, the Würzburg Software Engineering Awards are presented on an yearly basis at the Chair's WinterDay Event and endowed with a price of 125 EUR and 75 EUR in the Master and Bachelor category, respectively.
Best Bachelor's Thesis (sponsored by GeSi Software GmbH)
- B.Sc. David Linke: Towards Automated Forest Disturbance Attribution. Bachelor Thesis, University of Würzburg, Am Hubland, Informatikgebäude, 97074 Würzburg, Germany, August 2023.
- B.Sc. Patrick Amann: Simulation-Based Performance Analysis of Group Encryption Methods in Different Network Situations. Bachelor Thesis, University of Würzburg, Am Hubland, Informatikgebäude, 97074 Würzburg, Germany, September 2023.
Best Master's Thesis (sponsored by the PASS Consulting Group)
- M.Sc. Michael Stenger: In-depth Analysis of Evaluation Strategies for Time Series Synthesizers. Master Thesis, University of Würzburg, Am Hubland, Informatikgebäude, 97074 Würzburg, Germany, April 2023.
- M.Sc. Simon Engel: Towards Homomorphic Neural Networks: Insights and Pitfalls. Master Thesis, University of Würzburg, Am Hubland, Informatikgebäude, 97074 Würzburg, Germany, September 2023.