Deutsch Intern
Chair of Computer Science II - Software Engineering


The 1st Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing Performance co-located with ICPE 2018 will take place on April 9, 2018 in Berlin, Germany and is organized by the Chair of Software Engineering (Informatik II) with Nikolas Herbst serving as co-organizer.


The demonstration of the Autopilot tool by Jóakim v. Kistowski, Maximilian Deffner and the SPEC RG Power Working Group was recognized by the best demo/poster award at the International Conference on Performance Engineering 2017.


SeAC @ ICAC 2017


The 1st Workshop on Self-Aware Computing Systems (SeAC) co-located with ICAC 2017 will take place on July 17-18, 2017 in Columbus, Ohio, USA and is organized by the Chair of Software Engineering (Informatik II) with Prof. Samuel Kounev and Nikolas Herbst serving as co-organizers.


A new book "Self-Aware Computing Systems" by Samuel Kounev, Jeffrey O. Kephart, Aleksandar Milenkoski and Xiaoyun Zhu has been published by Springer as a standalone advanced text book.
