The interdisciplinary research project "ROOT: Real-time earth Observation of fOrest dynamics and biodiversiTy" at the Chair of Software Engineering is funded by the Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation (bidt) of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities starting from 2023.
On March 3, 2023, IBM and the Chair of Software Engineering of the University of Würzburg celebrated the kick-off of their one-and-a-half-year research project on the topic of energy efficiency.
moreSPECtacular Award 2023 for André Bauer
02/01/2023Our member André Bauer has received a SPECtacular Award 2023 from the Standard Performance Evaluation Coorporation (SPEC) for outstanding research.
moreNew PhD: Dr. Simon Eismann
01/20/2023Simon Eismann completed his PhD. Congratulations!
moreNew EU Project CloudStars
01/12/2023The Chair of Software Engineering is a member of the new Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Staff Exchange project founded by the EU. The kickoff meeting took place in Tarragona (Spain) on January 12, 2023.
moreResearch Network for Digital Security
12/15/2022Our chair participates in a new Bavaria-wide initiative "Research Network for Digital Security"
moreWürzburg Software Engineering Awards 2022 sponsored by Infosim and the PASS Consulting Group
12/05/2022The best Bachelor and Master Thesis students of 2022 at the Chair of Computer Science II (Software Engeering) have been honored with the Würzburg Software Engeering Awards sponsored by Infosim and the PASS Consulting Group.
moreSE Winter Day 2022
12/05/2022Invitation to the SE Winter Day on 05 December 2022 at 16:15.
moreThe interdisciplinary research project "Wunderkint: Segmentierung und Verlaufskontrolle chronischer WUNDEn duRch Künstliche INTelligenz" at the Chair of Software Engineeringwas awarded the special research award "Medicine 2022" of the Vogel Foundation Dr. Eckernkamp at the annual concert of Universitätsbund Würzburg e.V.
moreNew PhD: Dr. Veronika Lesch
04/28/2022Veronika Lesch completed her PhD. Congratulations!
moreNew PhD: Dr. Norbert Schmitt
04/26/2022Norbert Schmitt completed his PhD. Congratulations!
moreSE Group at ICPE 2022
04/13/2022Various members of the Software Engineering Group contributed to this years ACM/SPEC Internation Conference on Performance Engineering.
moreAndré Bauer from the Chair of Software Engineering wins the SPEC Kaivalya Dixit Distinguished Dissertation Award.
moreNew PhD: Dr. Johannes Grohmann
03/16/2022Johannes Grohmann completed his PhD. Congratulations!
moreNew PhD: Dr. Marwin Züfle
02/07/2022Marwin Züfle completed his PhD. Congratulations!