Talk at CROSSING Conference in Darmstadt
15.09.2023On September, 19th Prof.Dmitrienko is talking at the CROSSING Conference hosted by TU Darmstadt about the challenge of facing adaptive attackers in Federated Learning.
In this talk, Prof.Dmitrienko will delve into the persistent challenges of training effective global models, while detecting poisoned local model updates and removing them from aggregation. Particular issue here is the ability to distinguish between poisoned models and benign, but uncommon models, e.g., trained on datasets featuring distinct data distributions. Another ongoing challenge is posed by adaptive attackers, who, once familiar with detection methods, can strategically introduce an additional training loss to minimize any shifts in detection metrics, thereby successfully avoiding identification.We will present our two very recent defense methods, CrowdGuard and MESAS, which advance the state-of-the-art by providing enhanced resilience against adaptive attackers and ability to function in scenarios with variously distributed datasets. We will also highlight potentials for improvements and outline promising directions to foster productive discussions in the research community.
September 18 – 19, 2023
TU Darmstadt