Chair of Computer Science II - Software Engineering


Journal and Magazine Articles

Full Papers

  • Evaluating the Benefits of Model Retraining for Self-Aware Vehicle Traffic Forecasting. Hadry, Marius; Grillmeyer, Daniel; Becker, Martin; König, Maximilian; Lesch, Veronika; Kounev, Samuel; in IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems (ACSOS) (2024). 41–50.

Short Papers

  • Unveiling Temporal Perfor...
    Unveiling Temporal Performance Deviation: Leveraging Clustering in Microservices Performance Analysis. Bauer, André; Dittus, Timo; Straesser, Martin; Kamatar, Alok; Baughman, Matt; Beierlieb, Lukas; Hadry, Marius; Grillmeyer, Daniel; Lubas, Yannik; Kounev, Samuel; Foster, Ian; Chard, Kyle; in Companion of the 15th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (2024). 72–76. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA.

Workshop Papers

Vision and Position Papers

Poster Papers

Tutorial Papers

