Dennis Kaiser

Chair of Software Engineering (Informatik II)
Department of Computer Science
University of Würzburg
Am Hubland, 97074 Würzburg
Informatikgebäude, 1.OG, Room A101
Phone: +49 (931) 31 86588
Research Interests
- Aerospace Technology
- Self-aware Computing Systems
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- Intelligent Transportation Systems
Selected Publications:
List of all publications: Dennis Kaiser
- Best Master Thesis "Würzburg Software Engineering Award" 2019
Curriculum Vitae / Resume
since January 2020 | Doctoral reseacher at the Chair of Software-Engineering (Informatik II) headed by Prof. Samuel Kounev, University of Würzburg |
2015 - 2019 | Different positions as student research assistant and tutor at the Institute of Aerospace Information Technology, University of Würzburg |
October 2016 - September 2019 | Master of Computer Science with focus on Aerospace Technology at the University of Würzburg, Germany |
October 2013 - October 2016 | Bachelor of Aerospace Information Technology at the University of Würzburg, Germany |