Lukas Beierlieb
Lukas Beierlieb, M.Sc.

Chair of Software Engineering (Informatik II)
Department of Computer Science
University of Würzburg
Am Hubland, 97074 Würzburg
Informatikgebäude, 1.OG, Room A104
Phone: +49 (931) 31 83449
Selected Publications:
List of all publications: Lukas Beierlieb
- SS21 Programmierpraktikum
- SS21 Seminar Software Engineering
- Virtualization in Embedded Systems
- Virtual Secure Mode
- WS21 Programmierpraktikum
- WS21 Softwarepraktikum
- Osci Drawing (voted best project)
- Kfz-Multifunktionsanzeige (voted second-best project)
- SS20 Programmierpraktikum
- SS20 Seminar Software Engineering
- PCI-Passthrough and SR-IOV
- SS20 Softwarepraktikum
- Do-It-Yourself GPU (no voting in this semester)
- WS19 Programmierpraktikum
- WS19 Softwarepraktikum
- Compiler Construction (voted best project)
- SS19 Einführendes Programmierpraktikum
- SS19 Softwarepraktikum
- CPU Emulator (voted best project)
Curriculum Vitae / Resume
since April 2019 | Research Assistant at the Chair of Software-Engineering (Computer Science II) headed by Prof. Samuel Kounev, University of Würzburg |
Oct 2016 - Mar 2019 | Multiple Occupations as Student Tutor and Researcher at the Institute of Computer Science, University of Würzburg |
Apr 2020 - ongoing | Bachelor of Science in Mathematics at the University of Würzburg |
Apr 2018 - Jan 2020 | Master of Science in Computer Science at the University of Würzburg |
Oct 2015 - Feb 2018 | Bachelor of Science in Computer Science at the University of Würzburg |
Jun 2015 | Abitur at the Friedrich-Rückert-Gymnasium Ebern |
Last Update: September 02, 2020