Chair of Computer Science II - Software Engineering

Thomas Prantl

Thomas Prantl, M.Sc.

Chair of Software Engineering (Informatik II)
Department of Computer Science University of Würzburg 
Am Hubland, 97074 Würzburg
Informatikgebäude, 1.OG, Room A118

Research Interests

  • Security
  • Blockchain
  • IoT
  • Security and Blockchain Benchmarking 

Selected Publications:

  • Thinking in Categories: A Survey on Assessing the Quality for Time Series Synthesis. Stenger, Michael; Bauer, Andr{é}; Prantl, Thomas; Leppich, Robert; Hudson, Nathaniel; Chard, Kyle; Foster, Ian; Kounev, Samuel; in J. Data and Information Quality (2024). 16(2)
  • Benchmarking of Secure Group Communication schemes with Focus on IoT. Prantl, Thomas; Bauer, André; Engel, Simon; Horn, Lukas; Krupitzer, Christian; Iffl"{a}nder, Lukas; Kounev, Samuel; in Discover Data (2024). 2(1)
  • Security Analysis of a Decentralized, Revocable and Verifiable Attribute-Based Encryption Scheme. Prantl, Thomas; Lauer, Marco; Horn, Lukas; Engel, Simon; Dingel, David; Kounev, Samuel; Bauer, André; Krupitzer, Christian; in Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (2024).
  • De Bello Homomorphico: Investigation of the extensibility of the OpenFHE library with basic mathematical functions by means of common approaches using the example of the CKKS cryptosystem. Prantl, Thomas; Horn, Lukas; Engel, Simon; Iffländer, Lukas; Beierlieb, Lukas; Krupitzer, Christian; Bauer, André; Sakarvadia, Mansi; Foster, Ian; Kounev, Samuel; in International Journal of Information Security (2023).
  • Recommendation of Secure Group Communication Schemes using Multi Objective Optimization. Prantl, Thomas; Bauer, André; Iffländer, Lukas; Krupitzer, Christian; Kounev, Samuel; in International Journal of Information Security (2023).

List of all publications: Thomas Prantl


  • Provisioning of topics for "Seminar Software Engineering" and supervision of participating students 
  • Supervisions of software project in the "Softwarepraktikum" (practical course teaching students to complete software projects in a team) 
  • Coordination of the exercises on the bachelor's lecture "Softwaretechnik" by Prof. Samuel Kounev, University of Würzburg

Conference and Workshop Organisation

  • ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Evaluation (ICPE) 2022 as Web Chair
  • SPS Special Session on Cyber Resilience and Antifragility in Complex Distributed Systems (CyRA) 2021 as PC member 
  • Workshop on Self-Aware Computing (SEAC) 2020 as Publicity Chair

Selected Reviewer Activities

  • Mascots 2020
  • Mascots 2019
  • Subreviewer ICPE 2019


  • Master Informatik (Master of Computer Science)
  • 1. Staatsexamen für das Lehramt am Gymnasium (Physik/Informatik)
  • Bachelor Informatik (Bachelor of Computer Science)
  • Bachelor Naturwissenschaftliche Grundlagen (Bachelor of Natural Science Foundations)