Chair of Computer Science II - Software Engineering


Journal and Magazine Articles

  • Self-Aware Optimization of Adaptation Planning Strategies. Lesch, Veronika; Hadry, Marius; Krupitzer, Christian; Kounev, Samuel; in ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (2023). 18(3)
  • Optimizing storage assign...
    Optimizing storage assignment, order picking, and their interaction in mezzanine warehouses. Lesch, Veronika; Müller, Patrick B.M.; Krämer, Moritz; Hadry, Marius; Kounev, Samuel; Krupitzer, Christian; in Applied intelligence (2023). 25.
  • A literature review of Io...
    A literature review of IoT and CPS—What they are, and what they are not. Lesch, Veronika; Z{ü}fle, Marwin; Bauer, Andr{é}; Iffl{ä}nder, Lukas; Krupitzer, Christian; Kounev, Samuel; in Journal of Systems and Software (2023). 111631. Elsevier.
  • A literature review on op...
    A literature review on optimization techniques for adaptation planning in adaptive systems: State of the art and research directions. Henrichs, Elia; Lesch, Veronika; Straesser, Martin; Kounev, Samuel; Krupitzer, Christian; in Information and Software Technology (2022). 149 106940.
  • A Comparison of Mechanism...
    A Comparison of Mechanisms for Compensating Negative Impacts of System Integration. Lesch, Veronika; Krupitzer, Christian; Stubenrauch, Kevin; Keil, Nico; Becker, Christian; Kounev, Samuel; Segata, Michele; in Future Generation Computer Systems (2021). 116 117–131.
  • A Machine Learning-based Workflow for Automatic Detection of Anomalies in Machine Tools. Züfle, Marwin; Moog, Felix; Lesch, Veronika; Krupitzer, Christian; Kounev, Samuel; in ISA Transactions: The Journal of Automation (2021).
    (in press)
  • A Case Study on Optimization of Warehouses. Lesch, Veronika; M{ü}ller, Patrick; Kr{ä}mer, Moritz; Kounev, Samuel; Krupitzer, Christian; in arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.12058 (2021).
  • An Overview on Approaches...
    An Overview on Approaches for Coordination of Platoons. Lesch, Veronika; Breitbach, Martin; Segata, Michele; Becker, Christian; Kounev, Samuel; Krupitzer, Christian; in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (2021).
    Early Access on IEEE Xplore
  • Tackling the Rich Vehicle Routing Problem with Nature-Inspired Algorithms. Lesch, Veronika; König, Maximilian; Kounev, Samuel; Stein, Anthony; Krupitzer, Christian; in Applied Intelligence (2021). 52 9476–9500.
  • {Towards Self-Aware Multi...
    {Towards Self-Aware Multirotor Formations}. Kaiser, Dennis; Lesch, Veronika; Rothe, Julian; Strohmeier, Michael; Spiess, Florian; Krupitzer, Christian; Montenegro, Sergio; Kounev, Samuel; in Computers (2020). 9(7) MDPI.
    Special Issue on Self-Aware Computing

Full Papers

  • Evaluating the Benefits of Model Retraining for Self-Aware Vehicle Traffic Forecasting. Hadry, Marius; Grillmeyer, Daniel; Becker, Martin; König, Maximilian; Lesch, Veronika; Kounev, Samuel; in IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems (ACSOS) (2024). 41–50.
  • {Investigating the Predictability of QoS Metrics in Cellular Networks}. Herrnleben, Stefan; Grohmann, Johannes; Lesch, Veronika; Prantl, Thomas; Metzger, Florian; Hoßfeld, Tobias; Kounev, Samuel; in 2022 IEEE/ACM 30th International Symposium on Quality of Service (IWQoS) (2022). 1–10.
  • A Simulation-based Optimi...
    A Simulation-based Optimization Framework for Online Adaptation of Networks. Herrnleben, Stefan; Grohmann, Johannes; Rygielski, Pitor; Lesch, Veronika; Krupitzer, Christian; Kounev, Samuel; in Proceedings of the 12th EAI International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques (SIMUtools), H. Song, D. Jiang (eds.) (2021). 513–532. Springer International Publishing, Cham.
  • Towards Situation-Aware M...
    Towards Situation-Aware Meta-Optimization of Adaptation Planning Strategies. Lesch, Veronika; Noack, Tanja; Hefter, Johannes; Kounev, Samuel; Krupitzer, Christian; in Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems - ACSOS 2021 (2021). IEEE.
    Best Paper Award Runner Up, Full Paper Acceptance Ratio: 25%
  • ComBench: A Benchmarking...
    ComBench: A Benchmarking Framework for Publish/Subscribe Communication Protocols Under Network Limitations. Herrnleben, Stefan; Leidinger, Maximilian; Lesch, Veronika; Prantl, Thomas; Grohmann, Johannes; Krupitzer, Christian; Kounev, Samuel; in Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools, Q. Zhao, L. Xia (eds.) (2021). 72–92. Springer International Publishing, Cham.
  • Toward a Framework for Self-Learning Adaptation Planning through Optimization. Lesch, Veronika; in Organic Computing: Doctoral Dissertation Colloquium 2020 (2020).
  • Chamulteon: Coordinated A...
    Chamulteon: Coordinated Auto-Scaling of Micro-Services. Bauer, Andr{é}; Lesch, Veronika; Versluis, Laurens; Ilyushkin, Alexey; Herbst, Nikolas; Kounev, Samuel; in Proceedings of the 39th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS) (2019).
  • {Autonomic Forecasting Me...
    {Autonomic Forecasting Method Selection: Examination and Ways Ahead}. Z{ü}fle, Marwin; Bauer, Andr{é}; Lesch, Veronika; Krupitzer, Christian; Herbst, Nikolas; Kounev, Samuel; Curtef, Valentin; in Proceedings of the 16th {IEEE} International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC) (2019). IEEE.
  • {FOX: Cost-Awareness for ...
    {FOX: Cost-Awareness for Autonomic Resource Management in Public Clouds}. Lesch, Veronika; Bauer, Andr{é}; Herbst, Nikolas; Kounev, Samuel; in Proceedings of the 9th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE 2018) (2018). ACM, New York, NY, USA.
    Full Paper Acceptance Ratio: 23,7%

Short Papers

  • Performance Oriented Dyna...
    Performance Oriented Dynamic Bypassing for Intrusion Detection Systems. Iffländer, Lukas; Stoll, Jonathan; Rawtani, Nishant; Lesch, Veronika; Lange, Klaus-Dieter; Kounev, Samuel; in Proceedings of the 2019 ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (2019). 159–166. ACM, New York, NY, USA.

Workshop Papers

  • Utility-based Vehicle Rou...
    Utility-based Vehicle Routing Integrating User Preferences. Lesch, Veronika; Hadry, Marius; Kounev, Samuel; Krupitzer, Christian; in Proceedings of 3rd International Workshop on Pervasive Computing for Vehicular Systems (PerVehicle), 2021 (2021). IEEE.
  • {A Modular Simulation Fra...
    {A Modular Simulation Framework for Analyzing Platooning Coordination}. Krupitzer, Christian; Lesch, Veronika; Pfannem{ü}ller, Martin; Becker, Christian; Segata, Michele; in Proceedings of the 1st {ACM} Workshop on Technologies, mOdels, and Protocols for Cooperative Connected Cars (TOP-Cars), Colocated with ACM MobiHoc 2019 (2019). ACM.
  • {Emerging Self-Integratio...
    {Emerging Self-Integration through Coordination of Autonomous Adaptive Systems}. Lesch, Veronika; Krupitzer, Christian; Tomforde, Sven; in Proceedings of the 4th {IEEE} International Workshops on Foundations and Applications of Self* Systems, FAS*W@ICAC/SASO 2019 (2019). IEEE.
  • {Multi-objective Optimisa...
    {Multi-objective Optimisation in Hybrid Collaborating Adaptive Systems}. Lesch, Veronika; Krupitzer, Christian; Tomforde, Sven; in Proceedings of the 7th edition in the Series on Autonomously Learning and Optimising Systems (SAOS), co-located with 32nd GI/ITG ARCS 2019 (2019). Gesellschaft fuer Informatik (GI).

Vision and Position Papers

  • FADE: Towards Flexible an...
    FADE: Towards Flexible and Adaptive Distance Estimation Considering Obstacles. Hadry, Marius; Lesch, Veronika; Kounev, Samuel; in Companion of the 13th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE 2022) (2022). ACM.


  • {Please Obey My Plan: How...
    {Please Obey My Plan: How to Optimise Decentralised Self-Adaptive Systems}. Lesch, Veronika; Krupitzer, Christian; Tomforde, Sven; (2019, April).
  • {Towards Self-Aware Indus...
    {Towards Self-Aware Industry 4.0 using a Layered Meta-Model}. Lesch, Veronika; (2018, April).


  • A Case Study of Vehicle R...
    A Case Study of Vehicle Route Optimization Lesch, Veronika; König, Maximilian; Kounev, Samuel; Stein, Anthony; Krupitzer, Christian; (2021). Universit{ä}t W{ü}rzburg and PASS Logistics Solutions AG and Universit{ä}t Hohenheim.
  • A Case Study on Optimizat...
    A Case Study on Optimization of Platooning Coordination Lesch, Veronika; Hadry, Marius; Kounev, Samuel; Krupitzer, Christian; (2021). Universit{ä}t W{ü}rzburg and Universit{ä}t Hohenheim.
  • A Case Study on Optimizat...
    A Case Study on Optimization of Warehouses Lesch, Veronika; Müller, Patrick B.M.; Krämer, Moritz; Kounev, Samuel; Krupitzer, Christian; (2021).
  • {A Survey on Human Machin...
    {A Survey on Human Machine Interaction in Industry 4.0} Krupitzer, Christian; M{ü}ller, Sebastian; Lesch, Veronika; Z{ü}fle, Marwin; Edinger, Janick; Lemken, Alexander; Sch{ä}fer, Dominik; Kounev, Samuel; Becker, Christian; (2020). Universit{ä}t W{ü}rzburg and University of Mannheim and ioxp GmbH and Syntax Systems GmbH.
  • {A Survey on Predictive M...
    {A Survey on Predictive Maintenance for Industry 4.0} Krupitzer, Christian; Wagenhals, Tim; Z{ü}fle, Marwin; Lesch, Veronika; Sch{ä}fer, Dominik; Mozaffarin, Amin; Edinger, Janick; Becker, Christian; Kounev, Samuel; (2020). Universit{ä}t W{ü}rzburg and University of Mannheim and Syntax Systems GmbH and MOZYS Engineering GmbH.