Im Rahmen des Programms „Großgeräte der Länder“ wird für die Forschung am Lehrstuhl II die Einrichtung eines Rechen- und Netzwerkclusters zum Aufbau von Cloud-Systemen durch das Land Bayern und die Universität Würzburg finanziert.
MehrIm Rahmen des Programms „Großgeräte der Länder“ wird für die Forschung am Lehrstuhl II die Einrichtung eines Rechen- und Netzwerkclusters zum Aufbau von Cloud-Systemen durch das Land Bayern und die Universität Würzburg finanziert.
MehrThe Dagstuhl Seminar 15041 on "Model-driven Algorithms and Architectures for Self-Aware Computing Systems", co-organized by Prof. Samuel Kounev from Jan 18-23, brought together 45 international experts from the areas of software engineering, systems modeling & analysis, autonomic computing, and data center resource management. The presentations are available for download from the seminar website. The report on the seminar is now published.
MehrJóakim v. Kistowski, doctoral researcher at the Chair of Software Engineering (Informatik II), wins this year's GFFT Prize 2015 for Best Master Thesis, given by the Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Forschungstransfers e.V.
MehrThe RELATE Winter School on Engineering and Provisioning of Cloud Applications – Research and Entrepreneurship was successfully hosted by the Department of Computer Science. The event brought together Researchers and practitioners to share and present their experiences, discuss challenges, and report state-of-the-art and in-Progress Research in the area of cloud computing and service Engineering.
MehrQais Noorshams received his PhD. Congratulations!
MehrThe "RELATE" FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training Network, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Samuel Kounev, is organizing a “Winter School on Engineering and Provisioning of Cloud Applications – Research and Entrepreneurship” in Würzburg from February 17-20, 2015. The event is sponsored by the European Commission and is open to any interested participants from industry and academia (registration is free).
MehrOur latest research on Load Testing Elasticity and Performance Isolation in Shared Execution Environments was presented at the Fourth International Workshop on Large-Scale Testing (LT 2015), co-located with the 6th International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE 2015). The presentation slides are available for download.
MehrThe Chair of Software Engineering (Prof. Dr. Samuel Kounev) has launched a new cooperation with ABB as part of an Academic Research Award awarded in the area of industrial software systems.
MehrAn overview of our tool chain (http://descartes.tools) was presented at the Symposium on Software Performance 2014 on November 27-28 in Stuttgart. Our poster on the LIMBO tool by Jóakim v. Kistowski and Nikolas Herbst was recognized by the best poster award at the symposium.
MehrLiebe Studierende, der neue Lehrstuhl II – Software Engineering (SE) möchte sich vorstellen. Wir laden herzlich zu den SE Winter Days,
The 12th IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC'15), co-organized by Samuel Kounev as Program Committee Co-Chair, will be held in Grenoble, France, July 7-10, 2015. The paper submission deadline is January 22 (abstracts due on Jan 15).
MehrThe 16th GAMM-IMACS International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic and Validated Numerics (SCAN'14), organized by Prof. Wolff von Gudenberg as General Chair, was held at the University of Würzburg from 21st to 26th September, 2014 and attracted over 80 international researchers from more than 18 countries.
MehrOur latest research on quantitative evaluation of service dependability in shared execution environments was presented at FLORENCE 2014 - a joint scientific event of QEST 2014, SAFECOMP 2014, FORMATS 2014, EPEW 2014 and FMICS 2014. The presentation slides are available for download.
MehrA new journal paper on "Quantitative Evaluation of Model-Driven Performance Analysis and Simulation of Component-based Architectures" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE).
MehrAn interview with Samuel Kounev on "Self-Aware Computing" (in German) in the WirtschaftsWoche Magazine.