Chair of Computer Science II - Software Engineering



The demonstration of the Autopilot tool by Jóakim v. Kistowski, Maximilian Deffner and the SPEC RG Power Working Group was recognized by the best demo/poster award at the International Conference on Performance Engineering 2017.


SeAC @ ICAC 2017


The 1st Workshop on Self-Aware Computing Systems (SeAC) co-located with ICAC 2017 will take place on July 17-18, 2017 in Columbus, Ohio, USA and is organized by the Chair of Software Engineering (Informatik II) with Prof. Samuel Kounev and Nikolas Herbst serving as co-organizers.


A new book "Self-Aware Computing Systems" by Samuel Kounev, Jeffrey O. Kephart, Aleksandar Milenkoski and Xiaoyun Zhu has been published by Springer as a standalone advanced text book.


A Milestone for DML


A new journal paper "Model-Based Self-Aware Performance and Resource Management Using the Descartes Modeling Language" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE). The Descartes Modeling Language (DML) is a major product of our group used in a number of projects.


An article in IEEE Computer Magazine summarizes the results of our DFG Emmy Noether Project "Descartes". A major output of this project was the development of the Descartes Modeling Language (DML), which provides a foundation for self-aware quality-of-service and resource management in modern IT systems and infrastructures.


Prof. Dr. Samuel Kounev has decided to stay in Würzburg after receiving an offer for a Professorship position (Full Professor and Chair for Reliable Software Systems) at the University of Stuttgart.


The 13th IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing took place in Würzburg from July 18th to July 22nd, 2016 and has been organized by the Chair of Software Engineering (Informatik II) with Prof. Samuel Kounev serving as General Chair.


Das Online-Magazin der Universität Würzburg berichtet über ein aktuelles Forschungsvorhaben des Lehrstuhl II: Wie können Unternehmen ihre Computersysteme so effizient wie möglich nutzen? Ein Team um Diplom-Informatiker Jürgen Walter und Professor Samuel Kounev will in dieser Frage eine Revolution in Gang setzen.


Report in TV News


A report about our research on data center energy efficiency was featured on German TV news.


Informatiker erhält Google Research Award


Mit dem Google Research Award erhalten Professor Samuel Kounev und sein Wissenschaftlerteam einen hochdotierten Preis für ihre Forschung. Die Würzburger Informatiker setzten sich mit ihrem Projekt zur effizienteren Serverauslastung gegen 800 andere Bewerber aus 48 Ländern durch.


Artikel in einBLICK über unsere Kooperation mit ABB


Unternehmen könnten Geld und Zeit sparen, wenn sich die Leistungsfähigkeit ihrer Software-Systeme in einem automatisierten Prozess abbilden ließe. An diesem Ziel arbeiten Informatiker unseres Lehrstuhls in Kooperation mit Forschern der ABB AG.


The Chair of Software Engineering (Prof. Dr. Samuel Kounev) is starting a new collaboration with Google as part of a Google Research Award on the topic of "On-the-fly resource demand estimation during system operation".
