Secure Software Systems Group



“Intel, in collaboration with Avast and Borsetta, launched the Private AI Collaborative Research Institute to advance and develop technologies in privacy and trust for decentralized artificial intelligence (AI). The companies issued a call for research proposals earlier this year and selected the first nine research projects to be supported by the institute at eight universities worldwide.”



“CPDP is a conference about privacy and data protection. It offers a forum where different voices are heard and where positions are compared, debated, approached or differentiated.”

At 10.30 AM CET on the 29th of January 2021 Prof. Dr. Dmitrienko will hold a talk on the topic of “Privacy of Contact Tracing Apps in Pandemic, the role of Giant data collectors, and EU Sovereignty”.


Dear students,

we, the Secure Software Systems Group, would like to invite you to join our Ethical Hacking Lab II this year.

Die in Deutschland entwickelte App TraceCORONA ermöglicht effiziente und umfassende Pandemie-Rückverfolgung ohne Preisgabe persönlicher Daten. Daran beteiligt war auch die Uni Würzburg.

Die App TraceCORONA, an der auch die Uni Würzburg beteiligt ist, ermöglicht eine effiziente und umfassende Pandemie-Rückverfolgung ohne Preisgabe persönlicher Daten. Nun geht sie in die Testphase.
