Chair of Computer Science II - Software Engineering


The article "Serverless Applications: Why, When, and How?" co-authored by Simon Eismann, Johannes Grohmann, Nikolas Herbst, Prof. Dr. Samuel Kounev, and researchers from VU Amsterdam, ESPOL, University of Gothenburg and DLR has been accepted for publication in IEEE Software.


André Bauer performed at the Münchner Kammerspiele to convince the audience on the big stage how exciting computer science can be. In creative 10 minutes he presented his research and the research of the chair. In the end he achieved the runner-up rank.


Samuel Kounev was elected as Co-Chair of the Steering Committee of the new IEEE ACSOS Conference, a merger of the IEEE ICAC and IEEE SASO conferences. Christian Krupitzer was appointed to serve as Publicity & Administration Assistant for the new conference.


The 10th Symposium on Software Performance 2019 (SSP2019) will take place on 4.-6. November, 2019 in Würzburg, Germany and is organized by the Chair of Software Engineering (Informatik II) with Nikolas Herbst serving as program committee chair.


Jóakim von Kistowski, Tobias Wahl (Student), and Samuel Kounev from the Chair of Computer Science II win the Best Industry Paper Award at the 10th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE) 2019 in Mumbai, India.


The 2nd Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing Performance co-located with FAS* conferences (ICAC/SASO) will take place on June 16 or 17, 2019 in Umea, Sweden and is organized by the Chair of Software Engineering (Informatik II) with Nikolas Herbst serving as co-organizer.


In der BR Frankenschau vom 29.07.2018 berichtete der Bayerische Rundfunk über die praxisnahe Forschung des Lehrstuhls für Informatik II im Bereich der Zeitreihenvorhersage als Mittel zur prädiktiven Wartung in Industrie 4.0.
