Chair of Computer Science II - Software Engineering



Dr.-Ing. Fabian Brosig received this year's Best Dissertation Award at KIT's (Karlsruhe Insitute of Technology) Faculty of Informatics, sponsored by Uniserv GmbH (2500 €), for his PhD thesis supervised by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Samuel Kounev.


The Chair of Software Engineering made major contributions to a Technical Report on a research agenda for performance-oriented DevOps published by the SPEC as part of its ongoing collaboration with the SPEC RG DevOps Performance Working Group.


LIMBO, a tool for load intensity pattern modeling, is now part of the SPEC RG's tool repository. BUNGEE, a benchmarking framework for cloud elasticity, is now released under open source license. Both tools were presented at the 10th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS) 2015.


Im Rahmen des Programms „Großgeräte der Länder“ wird für die Forschung am Lehrstuhl II die Einrichtung eines Rechen- und Netzwerkclusters zum Aufbau von Cloud-Systemen durch das Land Bayern und die Universität Würzburg finanziert.


The Dagstuhl Seminar 15041 on "Model-driven Algorithms and Architectures for Self-Aware Computing Systems", co-organized by Prof. Samuel Kounev from Jan 18-23, brought together 45 international experts from the areas of software engineering, systems modeling & analysis, autonomic computing, and data center resource management. The presentations are available for download from the seminar website. The report on the seminar is now published.
